Stock k24a2 kpro custom header ep3 coil overs on the front and custom rear springs on the back 3 in exhaust.
Build story
Bought the car back in 2006 from japan we thought we bought a 1992 hatchback. When we went to pick up the car it was a red 2000 Honda Insight. Took the car home drove it for a couple months and decided it needed to be faster. Me and a couple friends decided to turbo it! We took it to the dyno stock and made an amazing 48 whp it was a rocket;). Then we took it to a friends shop and turboed it. About a week later took it back to the dyno and made 76 whp on 4 pounds of boost!! Drove it for a couple years getting 76mpg average. Then the story gets fun we moved to Idaho and I sold it to one of my employees with an agreement that when He wanted to sell it I would get to buy it back. He drove it a couple months and an iacv went out and he parked it. Next thing I know I ask him where the red spaceship is ?? He said excited “I sold it man I sold it for 2300 dollars!!!! “ The car was sold and I would not get my spaceship back. It was devastating i was so sad. For the next 4 or 5 years I would look on Craigslist or autotrader to see if my insight was back for sale hoping to find it. Then on Super Bowl Sunday 2019 in the halftime show a miracle happened. I am looking on Facebook market place and see a red Honda Insight !!! Is it my car? Clicked on the picture and it was. I DM the guy and told him I would be down first thing Monday morning to pick up the car. My wife and I drove to salt lake from Boise to pick it up. We picked it up with no motor or transmission. We took it home and found a k24a2 about 3 miles from my house used with a rbc intake manifold and 6 speed transmission. Put the new motor in and went and got it tuned. Made 203whp at CGracing dyno in Salt Lake City! 2 weeks ago we dropped it off at paint and it is getting a new red paint job!! That is the short version of the story. The pictures are from when I got and the first turbo kit we did with a fmu and a dsm side intercooler to today with a badass k series in it!