Factree special edition. You can tell by the fact there’s a tree growing from the front grille.
Build story
Submitting for an older guy that I have farmed for for the majority of my life. In fact my dad farmed for his dad. Purchased from the original owner down the lane to be used as a new fuel and service truck for wrenching and fixing on combines and tractors in the fields of Cherokee County Kansas. Diesel tank with a dialed in seep on the welded seam keeps the frame rust in check. Passenger seat removed so wrenches, pliers, sockets and hammers can be thrown in and expertly cataloged. Tool box tied into the Club Cab area. Factree 4x4 decals in bright orange because 1977. 440. She’s a noisy one. I drove this truck to high school for a long time cause the fella is just that nice and helped a young guy out. The farm operation is idle now, but I get to go there and tinker around with my sons and help the ol fella fix on things for fun. Maybe one day I’ll get to awaken this dragon again.