6” of lift. 35” wrangler mtr. The tires tripled the value of the rig. Waylon Jennings “W” on the back window for extra top end and low end torque.
Build story
I’ve owned about 4 1/2 square body trucks and waited 20yrs to acquire this one. I traded an 06 ram megacab 4x4 for this one cause that’s how dedicated I am to wanting to throw part #s at a truck. My oldest son is 13, and he’s learning skills that’ll help a guy make it in life. She’s straight. Needs a slight massage on a rocker panel, a little scratched up but she’s complete. Kinda like that one older gal you know. Has a few scars, had a lift done and that improved her look, put on some expensive shoes, you know she’s pushing mid 40, but she’s fun to look at and your kinda jealous of the guy that gets to take her around the block.