Headers, Dual Exhaust, 73-87 Chevy Rally Wheels, Aftermarket Steering Wheel, Rebuilt Transmission with shift kit and a Chrysler transmission piece in to shift hard from 1st-2nd.
Build story
I have some how managed to keep this thing as long as I have even through sometimes where I had no money. I have rebuilt the rearend 2 times, rebuilt the transfer case, rebuilt the transmission, rebuilt the Quadrajet, put the wheels on, had the exhaust work done with the full length headers, and done lots of electrical work that was cobbled together for now. I plan on having it done by 2022 due to it being 50 years old and I plan on having bucket seats back in it. I have had the truck since Feb 2017 to Current and I don't plan on getting rid of it. I had a deal with my uncle I would restore the truck and put it together my way but the way it should have been done. I have won 2nd at a car show for the Youth Class and I get a lot of attention driving it because its old and I always get the "how much would you sale it for", "is it for sale" or "My dad/father/grandfather had one of these brand new". I am proud to own it and I am hoping to pass it down in the family. I spent lots of my time and money on this truck and am not ashamed to say that because it has got me to where I am knowing what I know. I have had girlfriends say I work on it to much or just buy a new vehicle and get rid of the truck but I would rather have that old truck over a new one. It just has a different feeling and the feeling of accomplishment comes from working on cars in general.