Stuffed a Yanmar diesel in, and some other misc upgrades.
Build story
Bought a clapped out Argo, which surprisingly still ran, and drove. Not well. Tore it all apart, fixed a bunch of the frame and put new floor in. Rebuilt transmission as there were bearings destroyed, and parts of differential broken. All new bearings and seals for axles, topped off with bigger 24" tires. Then came the engine. Found an old Thermoking reefer, pulled the engine and other important bits, scrapped the rest and made money off it. Had to fab all kinds of bracketry to hold the massive engine. Because it's from a reefer, the oil pan holds about 20 litres of oil. 5" body spacer lets me just close the hood. Two radiators stacked are from a KTM dirt bike, electric fan keeps it nice and cool. Alternator is from a Ford Fiesta. Built the fuel system with a welded steel tank under the seat. Intake is an eBay special off a mower. Exhaust is an old megaphone exhaust off a motorcycle, all wrapped in header wrap to keep the heat in. Built a boat trailer to haul behind it with walking beam axle. Nothing more than putting the outboard in the water needs to be done when going from land to water.