Speakers, bull bar, headache rack, lock box, new radio, 5speakers
Build story
This is one of my few truck I love the most. I got this truck almost next to nothing. When I first got it she was running and driving, but you have to pull start it to get her to go because the glow plugs where shot and the starter would do nothing. I had this truck for one year and I bought it with pocket change (literary) after a year worth of change and being 18 years old, I bought my second truck. (Currently have 4) This truck is a non-turbo 6.2 Detroit Diesel. She has a 4 speed standards or 3+Low. She 4WD. Done lots to the truck to keep her running and driving. The truck is half straight piped, she was fully straight piped but she suck on the fuel to much and it was too loud so I put half the exhaust system on just being held on by #9 wire. Just the other day my rear end blew out, but now she is torn apart and I am figuring out what I should do. Hopefully she will be driving next week. I have put new radio in her and the best part that she has 5 speakers in her. My plans in the future is to turn her into a flat deck dully. So she will be a 3/4 ton dully.