Swapped the engine to a 12 horsepower tillotson 212cc racing engine \r
Re-built the frame after we cracked it \r
Home made firework launcher \r
Seat belt delete
Re-built the frame after we cracked it \r
Home made firework launcher \r
Seat belt delete
Build story
I bought it for $300 from one of my best buddies, we have abused the poor thing and have voided just about every warning the thing has. We did not have enough power when we first got it so we swapped the engine to double the horsepower. Once we did that all sorts of problems have come and we ended up cracking the frame multiple times, tearing too many belts to count and we threw the chain at least a hundred times. We’ve done a lot to keep her going and somehow she won’t give up. The thing has taught me a lot about small engines and has given me and my friend group “the mongaloids” memories that will last a lifetime. The yerf as we call it was never meant for whay we use it for, we have towed mowers, drifted, hauled wood and we even used it to carry all of our camping gear. There is truly not a thing that the poor piece of shit can’t do.