Bone stock
Build story
Well this old piece of shit has managed to go 620k all original, for fuck sakes the oil filter is rusted up to hell and hasn’t been changed since Christ was a foot soldier. I bought this “shipping crate” as ol ziptiesnbiasplies would call it. Owned by an old construction worker before me, I purchased it at 16 for $1000 bucks!! Ran the fucker until the breaks fell off but not to big a deal because it could barely do 40mph on a good day going down hill. Everything is just fuckd, transfer case is blue tooth, trans front end, and the wiring is all just fuckd. Except the old 5.9 motor. Zero blow buy can’t even believe that shit. But I love this old thing tho. Pulled around everything on the farm. That’s just about all to her. Rotted out 2nd gen cummins with over a half a million miles on her.