I got a sacked out piece of shit thats got rusty ass rims with torn to fuck tires because it rubs so hard on the fenders so i took a grinder to them, i got some non-hubcentric 1.5” spacers that have bent to shit studs so you cant get up to 70 mph without it shaking like Michael J Fox, i used to have a shattered windshield but thanks to fuckin trump and the stimulus check he’s giving everyone i got a brand new windshield, i got stock tailights tinted with wally worlds finest rubber spray can tint, and i got a window that wont go back on the track so i got the window ductaped to the track so it will roll up and down.. fucken mint
Build story
Well i did it because its every trailer trash highschoolers dream to pimp out the cockroach infested smelly shit mobile you got and to blare the fuckin dopeity dope dope music out of the half blown stock speakers trying to impress the fat chicks with blue waffle pussy.. thats just the fucken way she goes