1947 Lincoln v12 flathead with sherman transmission 1940 ford pickup front hubs 1934 ford wire wheels electric fans 12 volt custom made gas tank duel exhaust
Build story
Had a ford 8n tractor with a serman transmission and 1947 Lincoln 4 door sedan the 1947 Lincoln body was really rusty so I thought put v12 flathead in ford 8n tractor I had to made adapter plate to go on v12 and bolt ford 8n tractor and had a custom made flywheel. The Flywheel is made out aluminum and had to length the hood use two ford 8n hoods had had length rods and made a longer choke cable made it 12 volts also took front hubs of 1940 Ford pickup they use same bearings as a ford 8n tractor then had some 1934 ford wheels around put them on and brought a electric fans and top speed on gravel is 45 mph it fun to drive \r
dont buy it buid it it
dont buy it buid it it