mostly stock has headers and an a performer intake
Build story
when I got the truck there was no engine or transmission in it the frame was rotten behind the cab. The cab was also pretty well gone also. It had the newer box on the back. I found a frame from a longbox for 200 and shortened it to fit the short box. My son found a new cab also for 200 and we put that on the frame with new frame mounts. I got the 305 from one of my buddies for 100 and took the transmission out for him out of an 84 camaro. we got another parts truck and took the transmission and exhaust and front fenders grill and hood off that. the doors are the ones off the original truck. I got the seat from my sons c10 cause he put buckets in his. I have the proper box for it but it is being painted now so its still not on. I got the rallies from work . I put all new brakelines and hoses in it. Its a work in progress so slowly coming together. very low buck build