I haven’t done much to it, it is BARE bone STOCK it has 132 thousand kms on the ODE and typical rust in the cab corners , but the bed is immaculate for its age, the only things I’ve done to it is put chrome on the front end cause I hear chrome gets you home, (grill, headlights) and a tape deck from a 89 F350 lariat I found
Build story
I plan on removing the rust if I can! I’ve never done body work before but I plan on putting her back to her original condition if I can, I am currently the 3rd owner, the guy who I bought it from saved it from a field where it had sat for .. a solid 10 years or so, I basically wanna keep this thing as original as possible , and ooo red canopy and red interior, I bought it for a grand (had me at matching canopy) lol (also I tried to upload photos but I don’t think it worked?)