She’s bone stock other than a cheap hei dizzy. Still has the factory slobber jet on her. Numbers matching big block 396 and granny low 4 speed. Slower than a turtle but more pulling power than the Budweiser horses. She’s like any old worn out Chevy. Girl likes to sip on a quart of Rotella every 100 or so miles. This girl runs like a top and always makes me smile. It’s fun to pretend you’re living in the 1970s.
Build story
I got my hands on her from a guy in his 60s with more hair than me! Big time Harley Davidson pan head feller! Helluva nice guy! He drove the old girl all the way from Arizona to Minnesota for me! He didn’t bring a single tool with him either! The old bid block didn’t skip a beat the whole way. I continue to drive her the way she is. I like to scoot down back roads with the windows open and my eyes searching for the old iron rotting away.