383 stroker i built out of junk ive collected over the years, c4 vette wheels, 3 inch exhaust.
Build story
Well it all started when a guy who scraps cars stopped by my house. Apparently half the town i live in keeps tabs on my camaro build but back to the main subject. At this time i had my 89 rs that i was trying to keep alive but it was a losing battle. He introduced himself and told me he had a third gen he was going to scrap and wanted to know if i needed any parts to get mine up and going. So later on that day i stopped by to take a look at it. Turns out it was a 1984 z28 that had been sitting for 16 years and was in way better shape structurally than mine was. So me and him came up with a deal. I would take the 84 Z28 and he would scrap my 89 RS. I get a solid car and he still gets to make money scraping a car. It was a win win for both of us. So a little bit after i got the car i thought it would be fun to start a youtube channel showing the progress bringing this car back to life on a budget. Currently i have 571 subscribers, which is way more that i thought i would get. Since i have alot of parts from my old car i have everything and more to get this car back on the road. The plan is to have it on the road in the next month or 2. It will be the back on the road for the first time in 17 years.