Four barrel intake with a new fuel make it happener. Other than that she’s factree with the exception of some hooker long tube whirly pipes.
Build story
Well I found this rig down in San Antone Texas from a super amazing gentleman who is also a mopar Aficionado. After eye googling his 69 charger r/t I questioned him about what was under the car cover in the driveway. He told me he’d show me and in the pictures there is what you see! Pure 70s old school high school hot rod, from the color the shrunken head hangin from the rear view mirror and the ridiculously small steering wheel. She had the 318 with a two barrel Carter carb with hooker long tubes and cherry bomb dumps. She didn’t like to start without getting some huffing gas but she was loud and was dripping with cool. He let me take it around the block after it warmed up and I was picturing myself owning this car. I asked him if he would sell it and he sadly declined. What seemed like to soon I got shipped off over seas for awhile but me and the older gentleman stayed in touch checking up on each other and showing each other our adventures from opposite ends of the world. When one day he asked if I still liked the dart that he had. I quickly replied with YES and if he was thinking about selling it now after a couple years went by. He said yes and we haggled it out over text and came to an agreement. Me still being overseas wired the money over in a heartbeat and had a buddy go pick my new hot rod up. A couple months go by and I’m chomping at the but to turn a wrench on this thing so I ask my skipper if I could have 30 days of RR. He approved and I took what little money I had left bought a plane ticket and was off. Everyday of those 30 days I was either tinkering or driving that 73 dart with a grin from ear to ear. Making a build sheet and eventually making it into a nice street and strip car when I’m out of the navy and back home for good! She may not be purely mint but she’s my box of American steal from the bullet dent on the trunk to the cranky and tired 318 up front. So till I’m back home and get to wrench on her again your videos get me even more excited to get after it really begin my build!