Granny friendly lift
Moose saving sci-fi lightning casters
Granny friendly lift
Moose saving sci-fi lightning casters
Build story
I just wanted to know what you guys over the pond experience in these trucks. I surely didn't consider our narrow roads and environmental politics. Oh well. Love it. Would drive everywhere, but my Lada would get jeolous.
Oh, it's a 6.2.
I know it's nothing special over there, but in Norway, a rust free K3500 really is something. Something good.
I'm considering myself a winner if Derek lays his eyes on my ride. That's enough for me.
Oh, it's a 6.2.
I know it's nothing special over there, but in Norway, a rust free K3500 really is something. Something good.
I'm considering myself a winner if Derek lays his eyes on my ride. That's enough for me.