4 barrel edelbrock carb,
ARM-STRONG steering,
LED lights,
Trailer rear lights and wiring “harness”,
Wood sided box,
Gravel spread gate,
Cloth bench seat from a 78 k10
ARM-STRONG steering,
LED lights,
Trailer rear lights and wiring “harness”,
Wood sided box,
Gravel spread gate,
Cloth bench seat from a 78 k10
Build story
Behold, the mighty Chevrolet c60, the medium duty truck with a heavy duty attitude, This old beast has been through hell and back, as many farm trucks have, advertised to hold 5-6 tons (which means 15-16 tons for a farmer), this old girl has hauled thousands of loads of grain, fertilizer, tomatoes, dirt, gravel, rock, lime you name it, from the summer of 67 when granddad bought it right up til now, and it sure does it with flare! top up the brake juice, Crank and crank and crank that tall deck 366 til the TRUE flamethrowin’ down turned dual exhaust (careful in those wheat stubble fields) spits smoke and fire, stab it into second gear, split shift the rear diff and you’re off to the races! Crank the windows down, and hear it sing. She’s had some weight reduction over the years, two gas tanks but only one pulls fuel, and of course the triangle license plate on the back (smv sign’ll do ya good), once you get past the smell of 1970s musk and mouse p***, shes ready to move some serious bushels.