This was an ex-taxi that had been sideswiped and run into a ditch. The bonnet (hood) and passenger front fender had been replaced and sprayed with a paint can, the passenger doors were both heavily dented, including tearing off the front passenger door handle to where you could only open it from the inside. Initially, I straightened out the front bumper, did body work on the bonnet (hood) and some of the damage from the accident.
The interior was trashed, heavily stained, where some of the panels were ruined. The A and B pillar covers were all replaced, as were most of the door panels. I also replaced the cover for the trunk area (hard to find), replaced the driver's damaged mirror, and the front windscreen.
Later on, I bought a 2007 for parts and swapped out the bonnet (hood), passenger fender, and both passenger doors. I ended up buying some ROI 17" 5x100 wheels with Pirelli P7 tyres to replace the stock Prius wheels.
Despite the numerous issues with the body and interior, the car is mechanically sound and does fantastic on fuel. I traded a spare car I had for it that I had no money in, and have a total of $1000.00 AUD in it, including the cost of the wheels & tyres ($400.00). The car currently has 448,520km (278,697 miles) on it and has been one of the most dependable vehicles I've ever owned.
The interior was trashed, heavily stained, where some of the panels were ruined. The A and B pillar covers were all replaced, as were most of the door panels. I also replaced the cover for the trunk area (hard to find), replaced the driver's damaged mirror, and the front windscreen.
Later on, I bought a 2007 for parts and swapped out the bonnet (hood), passenger fender, and both passenger doors. I ended up buying some ROI 17" 5x100 wheels with Pirelli P7 tyres to replace the stock Prius wheels.
Despite the numerous issues with the body and interior, the car is mechanically sound and does fantastic on fuel. I traded a spare car I had for it that I had no money in, and have a total of $1000.00 AUD in it, including the cost of the wheels & tyres ($400.00). The car currently has 448,520km (278,697 miles) on it and has been one of the most dependable vehicles I've ever owned.
Build story
This is my 121st vehicle since I've been driving, and the second Prius I have owned. I moved from the US to Australia back in February of 2017, and looked for a couple of years for one that fit my non-existent budget. This has been a labour of love over the last couple of years and just goes to show what you can do with a bit of determination and the ability to see a diamond in the rough. Thanks for hearing my story and seeing what I've managed on my own!