Loads of oem donor parts and some sweet leds! Got the big tire upgrade and beef cake rear springs. Needs beefy front springs at some point.
Build story
Got the old family/work truck from my dad about 6 years ago as well my other truck the 81 it was the og fence truck! This 92 has 580,000 mi., my dad and I put a transmission in it about 7 years ago. I grew up in these trucks. My 92 went through a revival phase a couple months ago when I wreck off the interstate into a pine tree with a 4,000 lb trailer in tow.. that was fine. She was pretty much built for that type of activity. After some massaging of the metals and a couple hundred bucks in pieces parts.... she#039;s mint. Probably. I have the whole process on my YouTube channel. There#039;s also a little mound of videos of me maintaining on it.