1967 Triumph Herald 13/60 Convertible


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I’ll level with ya, as a 20yo student, I don’t have the cash/wisdom to make big mods to it. It hasn’t got the original engine in it, hasn’t got much of an interior, let’s be honest it just hasn’t got much of most things. Maybe one day I’ll get around to doing something fancy with it.

Build story

Why? Damn, well I was bored during Covid lockdowns and everyone has been a bit depressed. I’ll be the first to admit I was low. So to ‘cheer’ myself up I went out and did a dumb thing. I bought my first car. Now...most people’s first car would be something that a) runs and b) runs. The Triumph I picked up did neither. It was however rust free(ish) and generally pretty solid and mostly complete. So I bought it, pretty quickly I might add. And now I’m in love with her, and I couldn’t ask for anything more from a first car.

It still doesn’t run....maybe by the summer? Of 2023? I gotta study:(


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