1977ish Dodge Ramcharger
5.9 Non- Intercooled Cummins
Rebuilt Injector Pump with Fuel Pin, 3200RPM spring, and 1/8 Timing bump
Ford NP435 Case and Input shaft with Dodge NP435 guts and Output shaft
NP 205 Transfer Case
Dana 60 Front 6.17 Gears Spartan Locker
Dana 70 Rear 6.17 Gears Detroit Locker
Tom Woods Drive Shafts
Jungle HD Front Hangers with 52 Chevy C10 Rear Springs for Front suspension
Jungle HD Rear Hangers, Shackle Flip and 63 Chevy Suburban Springs
Vintage aged 30 year old 37x12.50x16.5 Good years on 12 Bolt Hummer Beadlock rims
1970s Dodge Wiring so none of the Gauges work, Possibly could catch fire at any point.
Push Button ignition....... Because the key doesnt work
Cable shut off.... Because the fuel solenoid doesnt work...... and the Key ....
Custom 1986 Mouse Urine Soak Ramcharger Bucket Seats
Previously had Plastic Racing seats that felt like someone was punching you in the kidney while driving.
Custom Modified Roll cage that came from a different truck and made to work........ It has the structural capacity of a empty coke can.....
6.17 gears + Ford 4spd+ Cummins= Means this thing takes two trips to haul ass
Interior wreaks of poor decisions, regrets, with a hint of Old Spice
5.9 Non- Intercooled Cummins
Rebuilt Injector Pump with Fuel Pin, 3200RPM spring, and 1/8 Timing bump
Ford NP435 Case and Input shaft with Dodge NP435 guts and Output shaft
NP 205 Transfer Case
Dana 60 Front 6.17 Gears Spartan Locker
Dana 70 Rear 6.17 Gears Detroit Locker
Tom Woods Drive Shafts
Jungle HD Front Hangers with 52 Chevy C10 Rear Springs for Front suspension
Jungle HD Rear Hangers, Shackle Flip and 63 Chevy Suburban Springs
Vintage aged 30 year old 37x12.50x16.5 Good years on 12 Bolt Hummer Beadlock rims
1970s Dodge Wiring so none of the Gauges work, Possibly could catch fire at any point.
Push Button ignition....... Because the key doesnt work
Cable shut off.... Because the fuel solenoid doesnt work...... and the Key ....
Custom 1986 Mouse Urine Soak Ramcharger Bucket Seats
Previously had Plastic Racing seats that felt like someone was punching you in the kidney while driving.
Custom Modified Roll cage that came from a different truck and made to work........ It has the structural capacity of a empty coke can.....
6.17 gears + Ford 4spd+ Cummins= Means this thing takes two trips to haul ass
Interior wreaks of poor decisions, regrets, with a hint of Old Spice
Build story
Howdy there Guys and Gals,
Im Duddie and this is my 1977....78.....92.....83........ Ram Charger aka The Death Charger! Because so many Clapped out of Dodges had to die in order to build it.
It started its life as $600 special that my buddy picked up for me and has devolved into a endless pit where old Dodges go to die....but it does produce large amounts of FUN with hints of regrets from time to time.
My goal with this build was to take all these random Dodge parts I had, sprinkle in some X brand parts, and make a Fun rock crawler that drives like a Tractor and Rides like a Cadillac ! And aside from the front drive driveshaft and external locking hubs releasing their magic every so often, I would say Ive accomplished just that!
Ive wheeled this thing from Central Texas to Moab Utah and it has never let me down..........except that time the Injector Pump decided to divulged all of its secrets in Moab but that was quickly repaired with two tubes of grey pookie, a package of diaper pads, and a bag of zip ties...... worked semi-flawlessly ....
Or that time the Cummins Power elected to see how far the front suspension could stretch releasing the front drive shafts from its safe place which resulted in twisted splines...... but again that was easily and most professionally repaired with grinder, hand file, limiting strap, and a self imposed obliviousness to the problem...... Works Flawlessly......plus or minus.....
Basically my Deathcharger is Clapped out Dodge that spews out Fun and Adventure!!!.......With only a Hint of regret
Check out Duddies Adventure to see more videos on the Deathcharger and my other Clapped out Projects!
Im Duddie and this is my 1977....78.....92.....83........ Ram Charger aka The Death Charger! Because so many Clapped out of Dodges had to die in order to build it.
It started its life as $600 special that my buddy picked up for me and has devolved into a endless pit where old Dodges go to die....but it does produce large amounts of FUN with hints of regrets from time to time.
My goal with this build was to take all these random Dodge parts I had, sprinkle in some X brand parts, and make a Fun rock crawler that drives like a Tractor and Rides like a Cadillac ! And aside from the front drive driveshaft and external locking hubs releasing their magic every so often, I would say Ive accomplished just that!
Ive wheeled this thing from Central Texas to Moab Utah and it has never let me down..........except that time the Injector Pump decided to divulged all of its secrets in Moab but that was quickly repaired with two tubes of grey pookie, a package of diaper pads, and a bag of zip ties...... worked semi-flawlessly ....
Or that time the Cummins Power elected to see how far the front suspension could stretch releasing the front drive shafts from its safe place which resulted in twisted splines...... but again that was easily and most professionally repaired with grinder, hand file, limiting strap, and a self imposed obliviousness to the problem...... Works Flawlessly......plus or minus.....
Basically my Deathcharger is Clapped out Dodge that spews out Fun and Adventure!!!.......With only a Hint of regret
Check out Duddies Adventure to see more videos on the Deathcharger and my other Clapped out Projects!