Garage Semi-built L98 90’ corvette engine, Th350, track bars front/rear, posi w/ 3.73 rear end, Full body wrap, Full Morel Sound system
Build story
I’m only 18 years old and I have had the car for about 5 years. It was my uncles, who wasn’t doing anything with it so he offered the car to me to fix it up and to become my first car. My dad and I went and picked the car up from Seattle got a harbor freight canopy and put the car in the grass and tore the whole car apart. The whole body of the car is POR-15 coated and had to put some patch panels in. After that we picked up the motor and tranny from a friend. And did a lot of time and work into the sbc. We finally had some room to take it to my uncles shop to put the engine in and re-wired the whole and as well as sound proofing. It also has a Holley sniper efi. For my graduation present my parents were able to get the car wrapped a special way for me courtesy of PDX wraps. I daily drive the car unless I have to work on it and her name is Big Booty Judy.