700 horse all cast small block. Transbrake th350 208 case cut 38’s out front and cut 40 inch super seamless out back. Disc braked 14 bolt Dana 44
Build story
First build was in 2004 when I was only 9. Dad raced it for a bit and then got parted to build my brothers race truck. Come 2012 a friend and I pulled it out of its grave and started piecing it back together. Slapped axles under it, engine and trans and t-case. Went out a few races and blew the trans. A couple of years later in 2016 I pulled it out of the shed, threw cuts and a transbraked 350 in it and went racing. Blew that trans too. 2020 was actually my first full year of running even with the rona. Wound up 3rd in 4.30 class (index) and 2nd in consistency. Truck is currently getting revamped again. With a big block and a nine inch Ford with a aluminum third member. May even squeeze in a power glide into the budget. Hope y’all enjoy the truck and the story like I do