Equip with a jerry can wired to the front due to not being able to draw fuel from the tanks, elderbrock carburetor and electric fuel pump.
Build story
My grandfather inherited this truck from a family member and wanted nothing to do with it because it has been sitting for 20 years so he said I could have it, in about 5 hours over a period of 3 weekends I got the truck to start, put a new battery in and a different starter, already had and electric fuel pump on it so I wired a jerry can to the front and beat on the carburetor a little to get it to work. I aired up the tires, put it in 4 lowlock and in low gear and the truck crawled out of its grave like it was nothing, drove it around, went mudding and got it stuck, drove it into town to fill up the can and parked it out at my grandfathers house, he liked how smooth the truck ran and he wants to keep it now