Swapping the 350 and automatic for a 454 out of an rv and a borg Warner t10 4 speed, will be putting a high rise intake and 750 cfm elderbrock carburetor on the 454.
Build story
Bought the truck when I was 16 and redid most of the brakes, put a tune up kit in and tuned the carburetor and timing. Bought pre 74 15x8 cragar and eventually put 15x10’s in the back at the age of 17, daily drove it till a couple weeks ago I found a big amount of metal in the oil. I am in the process of swapping out the 350 for a 454 out of an 89 rv and swapping the automatic transmission for a borg Warner t10 4speed transmission. Project is not done due to being my first engine swap and doing most of it by myself. Thank you for taking to time to read and learn about my shitobx.