Headers, dual exhaust and a sweet sweet Kenwood head unit with a loud button!!!
Build story
The truck was close to the family. My wife learned to drive in it and actually sported it around for about 6 months until she was in a minor collision (the dented bumper, grill and hood). That’s when her father parked it in the woods behind their home in 2002 and she sat there untouched for 18 years. My wife had asked a couple times if her father would give it to her but he always said he wanted to do something with it. So she just stopped asking and just said leave it in your will. Then out of the blue in April of 2020 he said if I can get it running we could have it. So I googled up revivals and found VGG and Junkyard Digs. I started doing what I knew first (my father was a diesel mechanic) so I had some base to start with but not much. After a little trouble shooting I found out the fuel pump was bad and replaced that and the pickup in the HEI and a little fuel in the throttle body and bam we got explosions. All the gears worked the brakes were sketchy but got me home and we’ve been sporting it around ever since. Over the summer last year I put headers on and ran dual exhaust. She sounds good. The picture of it shiny is right after I got it home and cleaned with a power washer lots of moss and mildew. Still looking for one matching hubcap to complete the set but it’s a fun truck and it was a great experience and a lot of credit to Derek at VGG and Kevin and Mook at junkyard digs. Seeing you guys do this on way worse cars gave me confidence to try the same. The ride home was only about 10 miles so not to extreme for a revive and drive on untested brakes and 20 year old tires.