3" lift
Full custom Cage
Full Custom Bumpers
Body mods
Axle mods
Full custom Cage
Full Custom Bumpers
Body mods
Axle mods
Build story
This CJ5 has been a family project and the highlight of the entire thing is to teach my Oldest daughter how to drive a manual. A lost art that we plan on passing along to the next generation. She awarded me with testing out my welds and tube. Only the post was harmed when making this video. I plan on taking my other little ones out to the trails so they can learn on the same jeep they helped build.
Pass it long to the next generations. YouTube has allowed me to pass on the knowledge not only to my kids generation but their kids generation. And help people along the way.
Pass it long to the next generations. YouTube has allowed me to pass on the knowledge not only to my kids generation but their kids generation. And help people along the way.