Beast Excursion


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eh..a little blue paint
just a little rust
the buy painted everything; the threads..up into the assembly...sigh...
little more rust
new dog leg
front before
front after
rear before
rear ..can't buy these, have to make them
rear after
He left a piece of metal between the head and block...
into the block
After reassembly
on the road!!


installed cummins 5.9 24 valve P pump conversion

Build story

2005 Excursion V10 with spun bearing...$300....WI vehicle and anything that could rust out did...all of the rockers outside and inside all 4 door bottoms, repair one dog leg, fab up the other. Got the rust knocked out then bought a supposedly rebuilt 1999, but the previous owner couldn't get it to start. Got a 'no buss' message. Got it home, put it on the stand and flipped it over to get a look at the bottom. Saw new pistons, assumed new rings, new camshaft. Flipped it upright and took off the valve cover and could only shake my head...he had spray painted the valve train black..I could tell because the paint was flaking off of the 3/4" freeze plugs...sigh..Saw that and decided to tear it down, what else did he do wrong...taking the head off I noticed about 6-7 of the head bolts took no effort at all to break...figured out why after inspecting the head and pics...Again...what else did he do wrong? Purchased all new bearings and bolts because I couldn't trust he torqued them correctly. VE pump was missing but didn't matter as I was going with a P pump...for the next owner to crank it up. Put it all back together and surprisingly runs like a swiss watch.
My question to Rich is : I used a QuickShift US 2 tranny controller.. got that all adjusted pretty good. Problem is, I have no 4x4 low. Have high but not low..Wrote to QS and they insist they are two separate systems and it can't be their controller...Looking into it further, someone mentioned that the PCM has to see that the transmission is in neutral before the Transfer case will shift to low...Wrote QS back and they acknowledged that their product bypasses the PCM...Any ideas about how to work around that?
John. have no idea how helpful your videos were particularly doing the build with the boys from down under..thanks!


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