New water pump.\r
Camper topper\r
New fuel pump.
Camper topper\r
New fuel pump.
Build story
My great Uncle bought this truck in 1970 and used it to haul himself to 39 states and Canada only sleeping in the bed the whole time. After that it went to work in Wyoming were it ended up in my dads hands in the 90's. He drove it daily until he parked it in the early 2000's. That is when I first met the truck playing in the cab while it sat in the field. In 2017 I finally got to drive it as my own truck. It has taken me from the field in Wyoming to the Utah deserts. I drive it every day if I need to drive somewhere and I am working now on rebuilding it in the same configuration to do the same trip my Great uncle did in 1970.\r
I Drive mine.
I Drive mine.