Edelbrock intake, Brawler carb (soon to be Pro-Flow 4 EFI), John Deere green paint job. 1977 Tin Grille swap. Tube steel rear bumper. Custom stereo with door panels, Front/rear speakers, and sub box (I made it all from scrap). Opened up wheel wells, and two bed boxes. 1" wheel spacers on the rear to match the front axles width. Some random 35 gallon fuel cell, and fog lights. NP-203 painted like a tiger with a part time conversion kit. Steel grates holding the back window in for safety. Currently has the chrome 16” wheels to use up the junk tires. Drag link I had to cut and lengthen as a stock one is actually hard to find.
Build story
This is my 1973 Dodge W200 “Camper 7500” called Fury. It has a 360LA going to an NP-435 into an NP-203 T-case. I bought it when I was stationed at Camp Pendleton, and it barely ran. Had a lot done to it years ago to go mudding, but was in need of serious work after sitting for I don't know how long. With no experience driving stick I drove it across base, and then it just quit on me. Soon moved to LA (shipped the truck), and began working with a two month deadline when I had to be able to daily it. Had to rebuild the top end (crank case had over a gallon of gas shoved in it from a bad carb), completely swap the wiring, and pulled the interior to install the stereo. With a donor truck (it is now made from 5 different trucks), and only 30 minutes of test driving I started driving it daily. I met my deadline with only hours to spare. At the time it had a 7” lift, and was on 35”s. Broke down many times until the kinks got worked out. Didn't have working wipers for 5 months. Eventually put it back at stock height because 1, someone loosened my front lugs, and I lost a tire. Destroyed the front axle (true and very long story). And 2, I couldn't get the lift kit steering arm off the old axle. So the donor trucks left over front drum brake dana 44 went in, and I lowered it. Later moved from Los Angeles to Ohio. Me in Fury, and my friend Drew in his C20 “Lorraine”. Going up I-17 with a trailer was interesting. In 3rd gear at best, foot to the floor only going 15mph. In all drove 2400 miles never once giving up. This truck did it running at 220 degrees (bad timing), getting 9mpg, and with a pulverized output U-joint just fine. Hell of a week. I have done countless hours of work so far, and have done everything but put the windshield in. After moving I have rebuilt the T-case, and have a disc break front axle again (front drums suck). Even at 120mph it still goes straight and true. It has it’s issues, but it's the only vehicle I can see myself driving. Currently a student at OTC for high performance and plan on finally building the truck how I want after graduation. Lastly why it is named “Fury”. It’s in honor of my dad who I didn’t even know was a Mopar guy. He had a bad ass 1973 Plymouth Fury III when he was my age, and loved cars. I know he would be proud of what I have done with this truck.