
Its got a 350 that been strokes to make it a 383 with aluminum heads and a mild cam with a 650 holly. Got the original trans but had been rebuilt and put a shift kit in it. Other then that its still stock. And many other things Id love to do with it in future.
Build story
I'm 18 and my grandfather had this corvette in his garage my whole life and before he passed I asked him for the car when i was 15 he said I could have it if I finished it and drove it. It had a 327 in it which would have been perfect for someone my age. But someone left water in it and cracked the block so for my sixteen birthday my dad took one of the 350 from his collection and had it built for me to a 383. We would spend time working on it and we finally got it running and driving. I drove it to school and back and to marching band and worked on it in my free time. I saved up and put new bumpers on it since the original rubber ones dry rotted off. Its got tons of power but I'm not a speeder its to important to me to do something stupid in it. Since it last thing I have of my grandfather. My grandfather loved smoking cigar res so I always keep one in the back for him when I drive it. Me and my dad have plains on painting with new grey and blue on it. Its the car that keeps me and my dad to gather before I'm to old and have to leave since I never got to let my grandfather drive it but I know he would've loved the 383. But its had some break problems so its sat in the garage for sometime now till I have money and time to fix it but ill always keep in my family and wish to restore it someday fully.