Peugeot 106 XSi



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-Rallye 1.3 engine\r
-Gearbox from the 1.5d (too long, not mounted by me and I hate it)\r
-A bit lowered\r
In the garage waiting to be mounted\r
-Long range high beams\r
-A stereo\r
-Bigger brakes

Build story

So I always had peugeots and I needed a car. I've always liked the 106 ph1 and never had one so I've searched and seen several XSi. After seeing a bunch of them I tought the one that was sitting in a garage for 2 years without insurance and inspection was the perfect one (stupid I know). So I bought it and I've been fixing it and taking care of it. \r
It's now road legal, sort of drivable without breaking down and it puts a smile on my face everytime I drive it.\r
It still has a lot of work to do and it's probably never going to get finish. \r
After this small description, as expected, it is my daily ride :')


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